The nardalert s3 replaced the nardalert xt but when selecting models also consider. View and download narda nardalert s3 operating manual online. Nardalert s3 the worlds most advanced nir nonionising radiation monitor designed to be used as a wearable or fixed area sensor. The unit showcases an innovative mechanical design with removable sensors. Please note that software downloads are only available to registered users. The professionals at narda safety test solutions have designed the next. Nardalert s3 is worn on the body and gives visible, audible and vibratory warning when the electric field power density approaches or exceeds the permitted limit. Support software and drivers narda safety test solutions. Narda sts nardalert s3 personal monitor mcs rentals. Can be deployed with nbm580 for collecting readings from multiple nardalert meters and probes. Usb interface for battery charging and downloading measurement data. The narda nardalert s3 radiation monitor with data log code measures rf. Nonionizing radiation nir nardalert xt the nardalert s3.
Transfer set with remote control software for emr meters remote control of emr devices readout of actual and stored measurement data. Clip, users guide, ns3ts software, included calibration certificates only for basic. Narda nardalert s3 radiation monitor with data log code gme. Different sensor modules that can be exchanged on site are available for for various human safety standards.
Nardalert s3 personal radiation monitor airmet scientific. The nardalert s3 personal monitors from narda safety test solutions, provide. The unit showcases an innovative mechanical design with removable sensors that provides for rapid field support and unlimited upgradeability for users. Readings can be downloaded and displayed numerically figure 1 or graphically figure 2 by simply installing the software and plugging in the supplied usb cable. It features a white led display, usb interface for data, charging software, and an. The nardalert s3 features field replaceable sensors, a large colour display and comprehensive userfriendly software. Nardalert s3 and radman radman xt, the personal monitors from narda. Personal and area monitor nardalert s3 l3harris nardasts. Comprehensive software included standard and optioned models fiber optic port for remote monitoring failsafe design. The basic functions cannot be changed without the special software and hardware. Nardalert s3 nir monitor figure1 figure 3 figure 2 figure 4 software the nardalert s3 software ns3ts is supplied standard with every unit. Personal monitors nardalert s3 and radman l3harris. The safety product spectrum includes wideband and frequency selective measuring. The nardalert s3 personal radiation monitor has been designed to provide visible, audible and vibratory warnings when electric field power density exceeds.
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